Eric Canja at times battles the feelings of insecurities, fear and doubt
Released on: January 23, 2008, 12:49 pm
Press Release Author: Eric Canja, Founder ProVision Development Group
Industry: Small Business
Press Release Summary: \"The secret to success and self-improvement is through abundance\" says founder of University Of Internet Science, Michelangelo Lopez
Press Release Body: United States of America (Press Release) January 23, 2008 - Eric Canja, founder of ProVision Development Group at times wrestles with feelings of fear, insecurity and doubt which has him all "tied up". Then this self defeating thought enters his mind, "I wish I wasn't me." Often times, we tend to think that everyone else is better than us.
Realistically, most people don't think of us because they are dealing with their own issues. When we see a successful, young and attractive entrepreneur we say to ourselves, "He's got it all!" All the while he sees himself and thinks "I hate my nose.Do people like me or my money.Will I ever get married?"
Take a look at the irony of our society today. We see other people, become jealous because they have the look we want and they see us and want what we have. Other people make us feel insecure all the while we are possibly making others insecure. As a society, we suffer from a lack of self-confidence, we easily lose hope in our own pursuit of personal development and a lack of self-esteem.
I have an associate that never tires of speaking. Most of the conversations she has, she tends to dominate. Needless to say, we tend to avoid engaging her in our discussions. She has created her own isolation by isolating others, which leads to a social "disability".
The most important aspect to personal development is to TALK and LISTEN to a friend that you TRUST completely. Find the person that you are the most comfortable sharing your feelings with, from the mundane to the sensitive. Questions that could be asked:
*Would you consider me ill-mannered? *Am I argumentative? *Do I speak to loud? *Do I have body odor? *Is our time together boring?
Doing so will show the person you're willingness to endure through the process of personal development. Allow yourself to embrace whatever critique or suggestions that you are given. Avoid excuses such as, "You don't understand" or "That is just the way I am". The more you open yourself up, heart, mind and soul, the more likely the feedback you receive will assist you in the development you want to achieve.
You need to make the improvements yourself before you start helping others the experience change. The more that you make changes in your life; people can't help but take notice. Questions as to how you did it will begin to be asked of you. Let your example be what inspires others. Then you will begin to change the world around you.
Eliminate the thought that you aren't as good as others. Let go of the constant conversation in your mind, "If I were only." Embracing the truth of who you are is the beginning of personal development. The only comparison we need to make is to ourselves; did I make progress today in achieving the changes I want to make.
Everyone is insecure about something in their lives. Perfection is found in no one. If we spend all of our time longing for something better, we are never able to enjoy what we have, thus disabling to truly enjoy our lives.
Personal development and having a genuine love for you is not about reaching perfection and making claims of being better than others. Rather, it is about being content and accepting who you are. As we begin to develop ourselves the contentment and happiness are sure to follow.
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Contact Details: Eric Canja 702 300 0809